The crossing lights and automobile signalling lights have been installed on each of the poles, but the signalling sequences have yet to be programmed, and thus, the intersection is still an all-way stop- however, both lanes heading into the City on Mitchell Street have been opened-up for a few weeks now. The project contract sum is $342,677, awarded to Binghamton Road Electric, LLC (Bothar Construction), out of Binghamton, NY. $150,000 of the cost is being paid for by Cornell University, through the Cornell/Community Transportation Initiative.
State & Mitchell Intersection Lighting
January 5, 2014 // by Jason Henderson
State & Mitchell: Light Poles Installed, Lights to Come
November 26, 2013 // by Jason Henderson
The State & Mitchell Intersection now has poles installed for the future traffic lights at this crossroad of over 17,000 vehicles per day. The temporary all-way stop has generated some backed-up traffic for the past few months, especially during rush hours, but it looks as if the lights will be installed within a month.
Collegetown Terrace Buildings 5 & 6 Updated Photos
October 25, 2013 // by Jason Henderson
Novarr-Mackesey’s Collegetown Terrace project is showing good progress on Buildings 5 and 6. Building 5’s facade panels on the north face are up on the west end, and the rest of this side is almost fully sheathed. I’m not entirely sure what the middle section opening on this side will be- possibly a common room with large windows [found out- it’s for the bridges between the buildings]. The east end floor has been poured and floated, and a new stairwell/elevator tower is being assembled block-by-block at the end. Building 6 has begun framing-up another level (fourth floor now), and the exterior walls and sheathing has been hung on both the north and south faces. Quite amazing progress every time I swing by- I see no reason why the majority of the exterior work on these buildings won’t be done before it starts getting into the dead of winter.
Collegetown Terrace Buildings 5 & 6 Updated Photos
October 16, 2013 // by Jason Henderson
Novarr-Mackesey’s Collegetown Terrace project is still moving right along, with the enormous Building 5 (stretching the length of about two football fields) showing northern-face western facade installation, eastern-end additional wall stud framing, exterior wall wrapping and window installation.
There’s also fresh concrete poured over the ground level floors, additional wall sheathing and wall stud framing in the middle section all the way to the top level, and we have a full level of precast concrete planks laid out for the eastern section of Building 5 with wire mesh being set in place, perhaps for screed then a concrete floor float (see floor section detail below for a typical assembly).
Building 6 sits at the far north-eastern section of the site and I’m seeing steel framing for what may become an elevator/stair tower on the closest end, but also wall stud framing on the third level where apartment units will be built out. The levels below will be for parking, and there’s plenty of wire mesh on the floors since last visit.
Building 5:
Building 5:
Building 5:
Building 5:
Floor Section Detail:
Building 6:
State & Mitchell Utility & Prep-work for Traffic Light Poles
October 3, 2013 // by Jason Henderson
The State and Mitchell intersection light pole concrete bases have been set, poured, and anchor plates are in, as well as what looks like the utility service to each future traffic light. Traffic up there has been Stop All Way since the new curbing work began, so I bet there will be a sigh of relief from many commuters once the lights are up.
State & Mitchell Intersection Curbs and Sidewalks
September 12, 2013 // by Jason Henderson
Western curb was put in about a week ago, and now the eastern curb, eastern sidewalk, and most of the new western sidewalk is in place. Next up we should see finished hardscape, decals and pop-up for the lanes and bicycle jug handle, some prep work for running electric service, and the raising of the new traffic light poles.
State & Mitchell New Curb Placement and Traffic Joy
September 4, 2013 // by Jason Henderson
The western curb and lane of the State & Mitchell Intersection has been dug-out, filled-in with asphalt, and the new curb put in place. The sidewalk along the new curb is still open for pedestrians, so you can get a good glimpse at the work going on. The traffic flow is clearly a lot more jammed than usual, but when the work is all done it will be a much more efficient and safe intersection than it was before. The planned traffic lights will form an “L-shape” along and perpendicular to East State Street, allowing for turning traffic flows from the West and North, and traffic flow from East to West and vice versa. See the plan overlay on an aerial image in this previous post, along with traffic data.