Novarr-Mackesey’s Collegetown Terrace project is showing good progress on Buildings 5 and 6. Building 5’s facade panels on the north face are up on the west end, and the rest of this side is almost fully sheathed. I’m not entirely sure what the middle section opening on this side will be- possibly a common room with large windows [found out- it’s for the bridges between the buildings]. The east end floor has been poured and floated, and a new stairwell/elevator tower is being assembled block-by-block at the end. Building 6 has begun framing-up another level (fourth floor now), and the exterior walls and sheathing has been hung on both the north and south faces. Quite amazing progress every time I swing by- I see no reason why the majority of the exterior work on these buildings won’t be done before it starts getting into the dead of winter.
Collegetown Terrace Buildings 5 & 6 Updated Photos
October 25, 2013 // by Jason Henderson