Small update here since a couple weeks ago, but the 140 College Ave 12-bedroom, 3,800 SF addition project has finished-up foundation work, and the lower level and a portion of the first level have been framed-up in the past week. The wood sole (or bottom) plates were installed around the perimeter base, then then the walls laid out and installed, along with floor joists for the first floor, exterior sheathing (plywood and OSB) and subfloor (DryPly). The addition should be fully-framed and closed-up for winter so that it’s ready in time for the next Fall semester.
140 College Ave Project Starts Framing
October 20, 2014 // by Jason Henderson
140 College Ave Foundation and Floor Slab Poured
October 8, 2014 // by Jason Henderson
Po Family Realty‘s 140 College Ave 12-bedroom, 3,800 SF addition has been moving along with foundation footers wrapping-up in mid-September, and foundation walls and floor slab for the rest of September. The addition (designed by Architect Jason Demarest) is intended to match the style of the existing 12-bedroom Second-Empire style house, with a visual relief in the form of a glass-covered hallway between the two structures. Next up, we should be seeing the wall system installed over the new foundation walls.
Photos taken on September 16th:
140 College Ave Expansion Starts Foundation Work
September 13, 2014 // by Jason Henderson
Foundation holes have been dug out and forms have been assembled on a portion of the footprint for the 140 College Ave 3,800 square foot, 12-bedroom expansion on the south side of the building. The expansion will feature a windowed hall between the structures to provide visual relief, but the design is intended to maintain historic integrity by matching the Second Empire-Styled building. As with many other projects in Collegetown, the construction may commence due to the Collegetown re-zoning, which eliminated requirements for minimum parking in several zones.
The building is owned and managed by Po Family Realty, and the expansion is designed by Jason Demarest, a local architect.
140 College Ave Begins Work
August 18, 2014 // by Jason Henderson
Demo and excavation work on Po Family Realty’s 12-bedroom 140 College Ave has begun: the exterior exit stairway has been disassembled and taken off-site, and a section of the existing one-story structure beside the porch is being demo’ed to prepare for site work and eventual foundations for a 3,800 square foot 12-bedroom expansion, designed by Architect Jason Demarest. The plan dates back a few years, but only proceeded through site plan review a few months ago due to the Collegetown re-zoning, which allows for no minimum parking requirement in CR-4 zones.
Earlier in June:
The Plans:
CR-4 Lot & Siting Zoning:
140 College Avenue Current Photos
June 23, 2014 // by Jason Henderson
Photos here for the existing 12-bedroom house at 140 College Avenue owned by Po Family Realty, and here’s a previous post explaining the proposed 3,800 square foot addition, which will be adding 12 bedrooms, and satisfying a second egress within the interior rather than the existing exterior fire escape. The Transportation Demand Management plan will go before the City Planning and Development Board Tuesday this week, as the site plan was fully approved back in April 2011.
140 College Ave 12 Bedroom Addition
June 11, 2014 // by Jason Henderson
Po Family Realty‘s existing 12-bedroom student housing dwelling at 140 College Avenue at the corner of College Ave and Cook Street has a proposal to add-on a 3,800 square foot, 12-bedroom southern addition, matching the architectural style of the existing structure, with a glass transition between (this building is a late 1800s “Second Empire Style,” featuring a slate Mansard Roof, brick exterior, and rectangular massing). The architect on the project is Jason Demarest, whom has designed many projects in the area, perhaps most notably, the iconic 9,000 square-foot renovation for the Kitchen Theatre on State Street downtown about four years ago.
The project originally went up to site plan review a few years ago, but was denied due to minimum parking requirements, but since collegetown has been re-zoned into form districts, with many of the districts now without minimum parking requirements (or less parking required), the project is now allowed under zoning. Site plan review document is here, with images below: