Ithaca Builds

Mapping, photos and information for Ithaca construction and development projects

Cayuga Place Residences: Updated Photos for Early August

August 11, 2014 // by Jason Henderson

The 7-story, 45-unit, 49,244 GSF Cayuga Place Residences project from Bloomfield/Schon + Partners being constructed by Turnbull-Wahlert Construction out of Cincinnati, Ohio has completed the core section of block walls, and the scaffolding was on its way back down on August 5th (when these were taken) to install steel ledger boards for the floor framing and other prep-framing work before the two stairs and elevator start to be assembled. There’s an additional parallel block wall, which will likely be assembled as steel framing makes its way up each level with framing fastened between the core and block wall. Construction has taken a brisk pace, as the supporting foundation work began early May, and finished-up later on in June, then block work began late June/early July.

Bloomfield/Schon + Partners is also set to take on a large $20-30 million industrial-reuse project in Cincinnati, at the site of the former Peters Cartridge Factory (14-acre, 250,000 square foot). The plan is to clean-up the site, keep the structure, and build-out 100 loft-style apartments.






Cayuga Place Residences Units

Cayuga Place Residences Core Block Work at 6th Story

July 27, 2014 // by Jason Henderson


Cayuga Place Residences Units

Bloomfield/Schon + Partners‘ 45-unit, 49,244 gross square-foot Cayuga Place Residences Project has been moving full steam ahead with core concrete block work in the last few weeks, and looks on-pace for the final 7th story this week or early next. The foundation was finished-up in late June, which included foundation footers supported by steel auger micropiles.

The project will be joining Breckenridge Place (50 apartments) and Seneca Way (office space plus 38 apartments) as recently completed downtown projects.


Unit layouts by floor:
Cayuga Place Two - Revised Draft Site Plans and Elevations - 08-12-13-unit-schedule





Cayuga Place Residences Block Work

July 10, 2014 // by Jason Henderson

Well, there is no available time wasted here, as foundation footings and walls have wrapped-up and we are on to block work for the stairwell towers and elevator shaft on the western wall of Bloomfield/Schon + Partners’ Cayuga Place Residences project that will rise to seven stories. It had never occurred to me to take photos from the parking garage until B.C.’s post here, but this should be a fun project to watch from many different angles and elevations. General construction by Turnbull-Wahlert Construction of Cincinnati, Ohio. The building will contain 45 market-rate apartment units, with a walkway into the adjacent Green Street Parking Garage.





Cayuga Place Two - Revised Plans and Elevations - 08-26-13


Cayuga Place Residences Foundation Work Continues

June 17, 2014 // by Jason Henderson

Foundation work by Turnbull-Wahlert Construction has progressed on Bloomfield/Schon + Partners‘ 45-unit Cayuga Place Residences project, as the foundation pours have made their way west, then counter-clockwise around the footprint of the future building.

The foundation footings are being set on top of the STELCOR auger micro-piles for soil support, with rebar sticking-out to tie-in the walls as they’re built-up. The foundation corners have plates with bolts on top of the footings for structural steel to form the building superstructure. The foundation walls are poured in certain areas between these large rectangular footings at specific dimensions, according to the weight they will hold. The footings supported by the micro-piles take the major point loads of the structure. The long solid footing with the high rebar heights will be holding the stairwells, elevator shaft, and utility rooms.



Cayuga Place Two - Revised Plans and Elevations - 08-26-13




TC3’s Coltivare Space Plumbing and Framing Work

May 21, 2014 // by Jason Henderson


Tompkins Cortland Community College‘s 17,000 square foot Coltivare space inside the ground floor of the Cayuga Street Garage has been moving along with a ton of below-slab plumbing work, and metal stud wall framing. Cuts made into the concrete floor slab have been jackhammered out, dug, and pipes laid by HALCO Plumbing & Heating for a slew of drains that will serve bar, prep, kitchen, classroom, and restroom sinks and toilets.

Due to the downward sloping ceiling deck in the back half of the space from south to north, the floor layout utilizes the lower-clearance space for storage, then restrooms, then classroom space towards the southeast. The southwest to center-west portion will comprise the public restaurant, along with ample outside seating along the corner and following East Clinton Street. The plan is to be ready and open this August, in time for the Fall semester. The design for the space is by Ramsgard Architectural Design, with general contracting services by Turnbull-Wahlert. Along with Coltivare, this corner of Ithaca will be seeing quite a transformation with the addition of the 39-apartment unit Cayuga Place Residences over the course of the next year.

There’s a new online video from TC3 explaining the Farm to Bistro program, containing interviews from locals in the food and wine industry:





Cayuga Place Residences Foundation Work

May 19, 2014 // by Jason Henderson

The Bloomfield/Schon + Partners‘ 45-unit Cayuga Place Residences project is moving along on foundation work, with a combination of reinforced concrete footings and STELCOR augur grouted steel core displacement piles (the grid of steel tubes with caps sticking out of the ground). I mentioned these in a post back in March; they’re a form of micro-pile whereby the drilling auger goes into the soil, creates displacement, then the reservoir gap is filled with grout, water is poured in for the mixture to cure, then the interior core of the steel auger is filled with grout and stays in the ground. They’re necessary to stabilize the weight of the building in this soil, which is challenging to build on.

The excavation and footings will continue along the footprint of the building, then we should be seeing structural steelwork follow-up to frame the building. There’s also been some sitework for plumbing. The work is being done by Turnbull-Wahlert Construction, the same firm that completed Cayuga Place, the adjacent Cayuga Street Parking Garage, and also the general contractor for TC3’s Coltivare buildout on the ground floor.







More Photos from May 19th:

Photos from May 8th: