Ithaca Builds

Mapping, photos and information for Ithaca construction and development projects

Planned Parenthood Footer Forms

August 14, 2013 // by Jason Henderson


Planned Parenthood’s footer forms are taking shape, the southern and eastern sections look complete, and the northern and western sections have been dug out. There are stacks of form panels on-site, so once the remaining forms are in place, we should see some concrete trucks out here.

Hobby Lobby, Old K-Mart

August 12, 2013 // by Jason Henderson

To follow-up on the previous mystery here, this is becoming a Hobby Lobby by November of this year. It’s a sort of craft store like Michael’s or AC Moore, and had its beginnings in Oklahoma. I doubt if it will take-up the amount of space that K-Mart once occupied, but the build-out looks to be consuming a significant portion of this pad that has sat vacant for several years now.



Finger Lakes Beverage Center, Westgate Plaza

August 11, 2013 // by Jason Henderson




605 West State Street, better known as the building with the Finger Lakes Beverage Center and Fedex Office will be doing some renovation work to the building, primarily new EPDM roofing, landscaping changes, and facade alterations with a new wrap-around awning. The work is being done by Benchmark Construction/Fritz Contracting out of Trumansburg. The work is scheduled to finish by the end of the year.


Maguire Idle, Old K-Mart Activity

July 30, 2013 // by Jason Henderson

No signs of building yet for the Maguire Fiat dealership, but I suppose this is where you go to purchase a Dodge Ram.

Just a stone’s throw away, in the empty stretch of asphalt next door, something must be in the works here at the old shell for K-Mart, which closed in October 2011. I haven’t a clue what exactly..

Fairfield Inn Nearly Finished, Site Photos

July 29, 2013 // by Jason Henderson

There’s a new asphalt walk along the backside of the building, the front entrance still needs some work, and I saw some lighting fixtures being installed through the windows, but this project seems to be wrapping-up, which is just a shame, since it’s really been a pleasure jogging along Route 13 to snap photos (cough). All in all, besides the awful color mismatch of the corporate logo, the building looks simple and somewhat visually-pleasing.
It will be interesting to see the popularity and occupancies of the new hotel projects coming online, especially since I imagine anyone visiting Ithaca to see Ithaca would probably prefer to be downtown, or at a suburban or rural bed and breakfast. Parents of college students or prospective families visiting are likely to take whatever is available, and would probably be much less concerned with location within Ithaca, so long as the hotel has ground-level parking for the car-dependent activities of moving their student(s) in and out of a dorm or apartment.


…And a random FYI, just down the street, this Friendly’s is closing


Planned Parenthood Site Photos

July 24, 2013 // by Jason Henderson

We’ve got some footer forms and rebar cages for the building’s foundation here. Definitely makes the site look bigger for some reason. This was primarily done in the past 10 days, and will probably continue for another few weeks, then concrete pouring once the weather cooperates. This is probably going to be either a supported or floating slab foundation; see diagram below for some example cross-sections.


Purity Project: Resolution Vote on Tuesday July 23rd

July 19, 2013 // by Jason Henderson

The off-site parking lots made it into the final resolution here, and the next Planning Board meeting is Tuesday for the vote. It’s nice to see this project moving through site plan review. Resolution and Draft FEAF (Full Environmental Assessment Form) Part 3 below.

Fairfield Inn Site Photos

July 12, 2013 // by Jason Henderson

The swoop looks finished, the sign covers are off, and some landscaping work has filled-in the parking lot area. There’s also a new privacy fence along the north-eastern side.