Ithaca Builds

Mapping, photos and information for Ithaca construction and development projects

Belle Sherman Cottages Photo Update October 2014

October 16, 2014 // by Jason Henderson

The Belle Sherman Cottages project developed by Agora Development and built by Carina Construction has been on a roll with home sales this year, with only one home remaining to be sold. Deposits are currently being taken for the townhome units, of which there will be ten total (Karen Eldridge is the listing agent for brokerage). There were four homes currently underway when I stopped by October 5th, one of which (Lot 18) looks finished-up, with the others to be completed soon. The foundations are excavated, poured, and CMU block wall foundations assembled before Simplex modular pieces are brought on site and fitted. The interior is finished out at the same time each structure is roofed, sided, and porches, driveway, garage, and various finishes built.

Photos taken September 9th:



Photos taken October 5th:








Belle Sherman Cottages July Photo Update

August 4, 2014 // by Jason Henderson

Agora Development‘s 29-home Belle Sherman Cottages project has seen strong sales throughout the winter and this year, and Carina Construction has been working away at new foundations, Simplex modular placements and finish work for four lots since early this year. Lots 4 and 6 are being completed as Lot 18’s foundation awaits four Craftsman-style modular pieces to be delivered and craned into place.

The four pieces are set, levelled and fitted together with steel plates all in one day, then the custom interior work begins (fixtures, finishes, flooring, etc.), along with porch-framing, siding, backfilling the foundation, and landscaping. It shouldn’t be long now until the development really fills-in: three homes remain, plus the two rows of townhouses, which will be constructed once enough sales accrue.



Photos from June 29th:




Photos from July 29th:





Belle Sherman Cottages May Photo Update

May 27, 2014 // by Jason Henderson

Agora Development’s Belle Sherman Cottages Lot #19 (all the way in the back) has been finished-up, along with the foundation, modular placement, interior finish work, and siding on Lot #13 (white and tan front), which sold earlier this year. Lot #5 (Classic Bungalow Style) has also been sold, the foundation dug, footers poured, and Insulated Concrete Form blocks have been assembled for pouring concrete inside to form the foundation walls. Lot #3 has also sold, which will be a Craftsman Farmhouse-style home.

Renderings and pricing information for the townhouses have been posted on the project’s website here: Belle Sherman Cottages Townhomes. The modular homes are sourced from Simplex out of Scranton, PA, with on-site construction by Carina Construction. Carina posted a video about their work online here: Carina Construction Video



Lot #13 in April:




April 12th:

Lot #19, and townhouse footprint to the right:

May 18th:

Belle Sherman Cottages Lot 19 Foundation Set & Modular Pieces on Site

October 31, 2013 // by Jason Henderson

Agora Development’s Belle Sherman Cottages Lot #19 (sold back in June) has a fully dug and set foundation, and the four modular pieces from Simplex Homes in Scranton, PA are on site. The first two pieces are carefully hoisted onto the foundation by crane, levelled and secured, then the next two are hoisted and set in place. The adjoining walls and ceilings are secured with steel plates and create a double-sized cavity space (which is actually quite advantageous for sound suppression), and I was very surprised at how non-modular the interiors were from a tour back in the Summer- the build quality is also superb. Carina Construction will probably be putting this up in short time.



