RABCO Highland House‘s 18-unit Thurston Avenue Apartments project looks to be wrapping-up just in time for the start of classes. There’s still a bit of facade work to be completed, but the units look complete from the outside. In the space of six days since last post (August 14th to the 20th, when these photos were taken), the driveway and parking lot has been asphalted and striped, all facade and roof fascia panels have been hung on the corner buildings, and the center building’s street-facing facade has been completed, but the sides are missing a few small sections of stucco panelling, which may be done by the time of writing. The site should be seeded and strawed or turfed any day now. The project got a late start (like many) due to the prolonged and intense winter- photos from March.
The construction was done by GM Crisalli & Associates, and designed by HOLT Architects, with landscape architecture by TWMLA.