Ithaca Builds

Mapping, photos and information for Ithaca construction and development projects

Klarman Hall: Goldwin Smith Electric Duct and Scaffolding

October 17, 2013 // by Jason Henderson

The electric duct running around Goldwin Smith from East Ave. has been wrapped and is being covered-up again with soil and stone. It’s hard to tell from the photo, but the inner southern wing of Goldwin Smith has scaffolding running all the way up the side of the building. It looks like there’s new metal standing seam roofing material along the roof edges (the old lead coated copper stuff is going away), as called for in the roof replacement documents. Also, the plan is to cover all of the windows with sheathing to minimize any damage from the construction, especially the blasting of the hill to excavate for the retaining wall along East Ave.



