Ithaca Builds

Mapping, photos and information for Ithaca construction and development projects

State & Mitchell Intersection Images and Traffic Data

July 27, 2013 // by Jason Henderson

Out of all the intersections in Ithaca, this is probably one of the most commonly misunderstood. The yield sign applying to traffic inbound from Route 79 is often mistaken as applying to inbound traffic from Mitchell, and inbound traffic from Route 79 often mistakes left-turning traffic outbound onto Mitchell as not having the right-of-way to turn.


Congestion is a clear issue during rush hours. Take a look at the plan overlay and the traffic count data. Over 17,000 automobile trips per day occur at this intersection, so it’s becoming vital to redevelop. In addition, cyclists and pedestrians have a tough time fighting traffic at this section. The sheer amount of traffic makes crossing the street as a pedestrian a challenge, and although there’s a bike route, taking the left turn at Mitchell on a bike is dangerous. The bicycle “jug handle” is a common design to separate cycling traffic for the purpose of turning. The idea is to separate bikes that are turning from bikes that are not turning, as well as from automobiles. See the last image in this post for a high-capacity example.




Purity Apartments Parking, Transit & Planning

June 16, 2013 // by Jason Henderson

If you’ve got some time to kill, these are all good reads on the Purity project. Bruce Lane’s memorandum spells out the intentions and major challenges in this project, and the applicant memorandum by John Snyder delves into the design and planning board issues that have been brought forward throughout the site plan review process. There’s no doubt about the risk in doing a project like this on the West End, but the development team has some great answers to the questions brought forward by the planning board. Let’s hope they can work it out- this looks to be a high quality building.


Bruce Lane’s (Owner) Memorandum on the project:


Applicant Memorandum by John Snyder (architect) & Lisa Nicholas (Senior Planner, City of Ithaca), JoAnn Cornish (Director of Planning & Economic Development, City of Ithaca):


SRF Associates Parking Evaluation:


TCAT Map and Email correspondence with Doug Swarts about the bus stop:

Ithaca Bike Boulevard

June 10, 2013 // by James Douglas

Perhaps this post should be called the Safe Routes to School project, but we’re gonna go with Bike Boulevard Plan for this one. Building on the trend of creatively and effectively applying for grants, the City of Ithaca together with the Ithaca City School District were able to secure close to $300,000 from the NYS Department of Transportation to construct what is essentially the City’s bike boulevard plan, adopted September, 2012.
The proposed system will be made up of dedicated bike lanes on select streets (Third from Cascadilla to Thirteen, and Tioga from Court to the Commons are proposed), and other streets made more bicycle and pedestrian appropriate by lowering the speed limit to 25mph, added signage, and traffic calming measures like speed humps/tables.
The plan, shown below, is made to make Boynton Middle School, the High School, Fall Creek elementary, and BJM elementary accessible by bicycle for residents of “The Flats.” Beyond schools, the route makes going from the Ithaca Falls to Wegmans a much simpler ride.
Given that the adopted route was made before funding was secured under a different pretense, expect certain changes to be made on the route, such as extending the boulevard down Cayuga St to Boynton, and perhaps responding to any commentary from the public, which the City intends to solicit soon. It is estimated that the construction of the Bike Boulevard/Safe Route to School will happen in 2015. More on this as it develops.