If you’ve got some time to kill, these are all good reads on the Purity project. Bruce Lane’s memorandum spells out the intentions and major challenges in this project, and the applicant memorandum by John Snyder delves into the design and planning board issues that have been brought forward throughout the site plan review process. There’s no doubt about the risk in doing a project like this on the West End, but the development team has some great answers to the questions brought forward by the planning board. Let’s hope they can work it out- this looks to be a high quality building.
Bruce Lane’s (Owner) Memorandum on the project:
Applicant Memorandum by John Snyder (architect) & Lisa Nicholas (Senior Planner, City of Ithaca), JoAnn Cornish (Director of Planning & Economic Development, City of Ithaca):
SRF Associates Parking Evaluation:
TCAT Map and Email correspondence with Doug Swarts about the bus stop: