Ithaca Builds

Mapping, photos and information for Ithaca construction and development projects

Klarman Hall September Construction Update

September 24, 2014 // by Jason Henderson

The future 33,250 square foot Klarman Hall project being constructed between the wings of Goldwin Smith Hall by Welliver has completed the north and south foundation walls, and in addition to progress on the retaining foundation wall along East Ave, the southern concrete wall has been formed and poured. Because of the steep grade and excavation, concrete trucks park on East Ave and unload concrete into crane buckets that hoist the pours over to each form.

The structure represents Cornell’s first Humanities Building in over 100 years (Goldwin Smith was built in 1892). The design was done by Koetter | Kim & Associates.

Photos from September 7th:


Photos from September 16th:


Photos from September 21st:



Klarman Hall August End Photo Update

September 3, 2014 // by Jason Henderson

Cornell’s future 33,250 square foot Klarman Hall Project being constructed by Welliver has continued progress on the concrete wall along East Avenue and the south foundation walls. The shoring wall along East Ave (driven into place over the summer) holds the soil back as rebar is assembled, then large steel forms are craned in place and secured, and concrete is poured section-by-section going south to north. It’s hard to make out the status of the north foundation walls, but looking at the schedule, we should see rebar assembly there shortly. The south foundation walls have been completed, and steel erection above these walls should begin soon. Photos from August 20th and September 1st below:

Photos taken August 20th:



Photos taken September 1st:





Design by Koetter | Kim & Associates

Klarman Hall Mid-August Photo Update

August 16, 2014 // by Jason Henderson

Here’s a photo update (July 29th to August 14th) for Cornell’s 33,250 square-foot Klarman Hall project, a new Humanities building to be situated between the wings of Goldwin Smith Hall along East Avenue. Over the past few weeks, rebar and concrete forms for the south end and north end footings have been assembled and the south end footings and western foundation walls look partially completed. The shoring wall along East Ave is being prepped for pouring concrete as well, as large steel concrete forms are craned into position to sandwich the rebar assemblies between the form and shoring wall. Steel erection over top of the south end’s foundation walls begins later this month, and by mid-September, the north end foundation walls will be completed and ready for structure assembly.

The building is designed by Koetter | Kim & Associates, with construction by Welliver.

July 29th:


August 3rd:


August 6th:



August 14th:






Klarman Hall Digs Deeper

June 18, 2014 // by Jason Henderson

Rock removal and blasting began late May by Maine Drilling and Blasting, as the project reaches further into the ground, removing rock and soil for the future foundations of Klarman Hall, which will sit between the wings of Goldwin Smith Hall. The shoring beams are tied with lag boards to support the hillside as the digging goes deeper, but the blasting should be finished-up by July. Here’s an updated project schedule from the project page:

18 Jun 2014 | East Ave Shoring complete
24 Jun 2014 | Complete Rock removal South
01 Jul 2014 | Complete Rock removal North
16 Jul 2014 | South Footings complete
06 Aug 2014 | North Footings complete
27 Aug 2014 | South Foundation walls complete
28 Aug 2014 | Steel erection begins
17 Sep 2014 | North Foundation walls complete
01 Oct 2014 | South Steel Complete
05 Nov 2014 | North Steel complete
19 Nov 2014 | Atrium steel installed

All the underpinnings were completed last month, and we should be seeing foundation work start in the next couple weeks. Concrete forms will be situated starting at the south end, then steel reinforcement tied in-place, then concrete poured into the form. The foundation walls and steel erection phases will also go from south to north, so by the time northern foundation walls are being formed, structural steel will have begun placement on the south end. Should be a nice one to watch as it goes up. Quite an elevation change too; this one starts well below-grade, a lot like the recent Law School Expansion, constructiom which was also managed by Welliver. The design for Klarman Hall is by Koetter | Kim & Associates.

June 18th:


June 15th:


May 26th:

