Ithaca Builds

Mapping, photos and information for Ithaca construction and development projects

128 West Falls Street Photos and Updated Plans

October 6, 2014 // by Jason Henderson

As reported by Ithacating last month, the 128 West Falls Street proposal has been reworked by Heritage Park Townhomes and Architect Lawrence Fabbroni Jr. after a series of meetings and discussions with the neighbors. The plan is to subdivide the property into three lots and build three buildings: Building #1, a one-family structure of two stories, Building #2, a two-family split-structure of two stories, and Building #3, a two-family structure of two stories with one unit on each story, and the ability to separate ownership as condominiums in the future (two-hour fire separation). The new site layout requires a few area variances for setbacks and parking on an adjacent lot. The Site Plan Review submission contains an interesting item: a density analysis done on nearby blocks in Fall Creek to show as a comparison to the proposal. Select pages included below:

Submission Cover Letter

Revised Site Plan Review Submission

Zoning Analysis

128-West-Falls-Page 05

128-West-Falls-Page 14

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128-West-Falls-Page 4

