Ithaca Builds

Mapping, photos and information for Ithaca construction and development projects

Heritage Park Townhomes

128 West Falls Street Photos and Updated Plans

October 6, 2014 // by Jason Henderson

As reported by Ithacating last month, the 128 West Falls Street proposal has been reworked by Heritage Park Townhomes and Architect Lawrence Fabbroni Jr. after a series of meetings and discussions with the neighbors. The plan is to subdivide the property into three lots and build three buildings: Building #1, a one-family structure of two stories, Building #2, a two-family split-structure of two stories, and Building #3, a two-family structure of two stories with one unit on each story, and the ability to separate ownership as condominiums in the future (two-hour fire separation). The new site layout requires a few area variances for setbacks and parking on an adjacent lot. The Site Plan Review submission contains an interesting item: a density analysis done on nearby blocks in Fall Creek to show as a comparison to the proposal. Select pages included below:

Submission Cover Letter

Revised Site Plan Review Submission

Zoning Analysis

128-West-Falls-Page 05

128-West-Falls-Page 14

128-West-Falls-Page 1

128-West-Falls-Page 4



128 West Falls Street Heritage Park Townhouses Project

March 9, 2014 // by Jason Henderson

Heritage Builders / Heritage Park Townhomes is proposing to construct a three-building rental project at 128 West Falls Street, at the northern edge of the Fall Creek neighborhood (across the street from McPherson Builders), adjacent to Route 13. The project proposes to subdivide the 128 West Falls Street (16,352 SF) lot into three lots, keep the existing house, and build one house on a 4,054 SF lot, one house on a 4,022 SF lot, and a double-house on the remainder 8,276 SF lot, at a projected cost of $485,000. The anticipated construction schedule is this year, May 2014, going to May 2016.

The Ithaca Journal noted that a petition has circulated in the area to prevent the project from moving forward, and Ron Ronsvalle, the owner of Heritage Park Townhomes, commented on the zoning variance that is required for the project to proceed. Essentially, the required front yard setback of 10′ is not met due to the existing building being too close (5.2′). The lot subdivision triggers a zoning review of all parcels, and since the house is being kept, it falls under that review. The proposed structures meet current zoning requirements.

Heritage Builders has done a few recent rental projects downtown (see Lincoln Street homes), and owns and manages various apartment & townhome buildings, vacation, and commercial properties. In addition to designing this project, Lawrence John Fabbroni of Fabbroni Associates also designed the Lincoln Street buildings.



Google Earth Street View from Route 13 (trees have since been cleared):



Applicant Cover Letter

Site Plan Review Application

Site Plan and Elevations

Full Environmental Assessment Form (FEAF) Part 1

Zoning Appeal Matrix