Ithaca Builds

Mapping, photos and information for Ithaca construction and development projects

Klarman Hall Structural Steel Complete

April 7, 2015 // by Jason Henderson

Hats off to Welliver and the crew from Raulli & Sons Ironworks sticking it out through the winter to get the structural steel done. Steel crane is now off site, and as the project rolls on, the new folding jib telescopic tower crane is up-and-running for the remainder of the work, especially the Josef Gartner glass installers that will be working on the glazed ceiling and wall systems that compose the atrium structure.

Throughout the structural phase, many of the exterior wall frames have now been assembled and sheathed with glass-mat sheathing in preparation for sandstone panels and various cladding types, and trades for electrical, plumbing, sprinkler systems, etc. have been busy. Interior framing started on the North side in March, and drywall and paint will be taking up much of May and June.

Photos from April 6th:
Klarman-Hall-Cornell-040615 - 3

Klarman-Hall-Cornell-040615 - 2 (1)

Klarman-Hall-Cornell-040615 - 1

Photos from March 10th:

Klarman_Hall-Cornell_Ithaca_031015 - 2

Klarman_Hall-Cornell_Ithaca_031015 - 3

