I finally took the time to swing by Cornell’s Stocking Hall reconstruction to take some photos, so here are a selection of exteriors from this $105 million ongoing project. Stocking Hall (and the former Cornell Dairy Bar & Food Science Lab) closed down back in 2010 to demolish the 48,000 square-foot “runway” section built in 1921 stretching along Tower Road, and rebuild this new 105,500 square foot four-storey wing. The project includes the renovation of the Food Science Lab building and the Historic Wing of Stocking Hall, at a total of 81,500 square feet. The Dairy Bar re-opened for business back in August 2013, and has since began selling Cornell dairy products earlier this year. The ongoing work in the existing Historic Wing of Stocking Hall is a thorough interior renovation to make way for modern teaching labs, classrooms, offices, and conference rooms.
The new glass-fronted section along Tower Road prominently displays the dairy holding tanks, processing equipment, and dairy operations, while the upper stories contain research labs, teaching labs, offices and conference rooms. There are nice terrace areas on the front yard along Tower Road, but also in the back (southern side), just west of the receiving zone. The connection between the new wing and the Historic Wing has been built, but is closed-off for construction.
Existing Historic Wing:
Food Science Lab: