Ithaca Builds

Mapping, photos and information for Ithaca construction and development projects

Klarman Hall Final Site Plan Presentation

July 18, 2013 // by Jason Henderson

Here’s the final site plan presentation to the City of Ithaca Planning Board back in May. This one focuses on material finish selections, and various specific exterior and interior elevations. The interior Atrium elevation is interesting, showing how the Klarman Hall atrium supports will hang just slightly above the top of Goldwin Smith’s rotunda, and as seen in earlier presentations, some sections of the rotunda wall will be punched-through and the rotunda itself will be completely renovated for a cafe counter and ample seating arrangements, an inventive re-use of the structure . Lots of granite, sandstone, concrete, glass, and acoustical wall panels; all very modern and high-end.

This PDF is quite large, so some slides may look like gibberish until it fully loads.