Ithaca Builds

Mapping, photos and information for Ithaca construction and development projects

Collegetown Terrace

Collegetown Terrace Project Description

May 14, 2013 // by Jason Henderson

The obvious mammoth of development projects in the area, Collegetown Terrace by Novarr-Mackesey will be adding 589 net additional bedrooms once fully completed (and a total of 1,226 new bedrooms, due to the demolition of existing buildings). The project has been split into two phases, with phase one focusing on the demolition and build outs along State St, and phase two focusing on the demolition and build outs further into the site. The State St buildings reflect a design aesthetic typical of the surrounding area, while the buildings further in reflect a more modern style. The total space to be redeveloped clocks in at just over 12 acres.
The huge “glass box” at the north-center of the site will house a fitness facility, and the property will include outdoor amenities like walking paths, bike racks, tables and underground parking for residents (beneath certain buildings).

Collegetown Terrace Site Photos

May 22, 2013 // by Jason Henderson

Big photo update for a big project site- I’ll grab a few shots from the other side of the hill at some point as well since it gives a really good view of the entire project. The order of these shots goes from the units along State St starting at the Mitchell intersection and progresses down State and onto South Quarry then behind, ending around Quarry Apartments. Building 3.4 is coming along (the one still being assembled), and you can see Building 5’s foundation being prepped. It’s quite amazing how much work has already been done, and furthermore, how much more is ahead. From looking at the site plan, this project is still only about half-way (or perhaps even a bit less).




