Ithaca Builds

Mapping, photos and information for Ithaca construction and development projects

Collegetown Dryden Project Site Plan & Renders

August 26, 2014 // by Jason Henderson

Novarr-Mackesey submitted plans for a three-building series of six-story structures along Dryden Road from College Avenue to Linden Avenue last month: renders and site plan images are below. The sites were assembled over the course of several years as outlined by Ithacating’s Post here, under the name Dry-Lin, LLC. The designs are done by ikon.5 architects, the same as for the Collegetown Terrace Project.

The total project would create 141 studio units, 11 parking spaces, 10,510 square feet of retail, and 9,000 square feet of cellar space for a grand total of 107,302 square feet for all three buildings (breakdown below).

Collegetown Dryden Project - Sketch Plan Presentation - 07-22-14_Page_1

Collegetown Dryden project



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